Okay! So I'm looking for some management to help guide my career. Let's break it down, shall we?
8 hours of research (I wish I was kidding. In fact, it's probably more than that.)
The Managers Book $13.11
Window Envelopes $43.69
Laser Printer $108.16
Postage for 30 submissions $31.50
Writing my cover letter: 10 minutes
Updating my resume: 20 minutes
Proofreading my cover letter: JenIsBetterThanAndreaAnders and Phoenix (Thanks Ladies!)
TOTAL: 9+ hours including two other people's time, and $196.46 for 30 submissions.
Knowing most of my submissions will go straight into the recycling bin?
ReplyDeleteThink happy thoughts... you can't be out of your right place, my dear...
I think it is a good investment.