"The label you give yourself cannot impact external forces that are not motivated by your own psychology or influenced by a third party's pre-existing consciousness of you. We are all presented with reasons to struggle which come from completely external forces; to pretend that one is not struggling is either arrogance or an admission of defeat. To admit that one is struggling is a sign and a source of strength." - Evan A. Baker

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year!

The new year creates panic in every Struggling Actress. Everything we thought we could do this year, we didn't or couldn't afford, and we badly want/need/havetohave new representation so that we can at least get some freakin auditions! Every Struggling Actress right now is prepping her headshots and streamlining her resume so she can submit to new agencies for the new year.

Want to know the worst time to mail headshot submissions?

The new year.

Agents are back from vacation and dealing with their emails, the new slew of pilot breakdowns, and already have their rosters filled with new talent and they're not taking anyone new on. How do I know this? Cause I've submitted in Jan and February twice and got nothing. (who knows, though. I'm not you. I could be wrong here...)

Feels pretty bleak, right? Another year, another pilot season missed.


If you're submitting yourself on Actors Access, you know there are a ton of webseries and indie films casting in January. When "everyone else" is having the pilot season of their lives, the real every one else knows January and February (and March) are dead to them and it's the exact right time to start fresh.

Join Model Mayhem. It's a myspace of photographers, makeup artists and models (that'd be you!) all looking to work together for trade. You model a few lifestyle photos, you barter for headshots. ALL. For. Free. Get new pictures. Get a TON of new pictures. Get new on camera practice and more comfortable taking headshots (it's a skill you learn) all for free. Get a ton of photos you won't use and get a few you will. Make friends. Life is good.

Submit, Submit, Submit. You will book an indie project.

Reassess your current acting portfolio. Are you working with the same headshots from four years ago? Did you just take new ones? My favorite Casting Director, Billy DaMota, is offering to critique your headshots. FOR FREE. A few cd's have started charging struggling actresses to critique their headshots and reels, but if you follow the directions on his site, he will do it just because he loves actors and needs actors to work as a cd. He is the only CD out there who fights for the Struggling, proclaiming the cd/actor relationship a symbiotic one. He is lovely. And again, he's doing it for free.

Take a class. I love mine.

And know that it really honestly takes TEN YEARS to get to where you're STARTING to book the big stuff. You have time. Don't fret.

You're doing great.

I believe in you.


  1. And I believe in you too, darling...

  2. Just discovered your blog ~ HOW CUTE ! That logo of the waitress is adorable! I am os excited for you! This will be our year!
    Have a pretty day!

  3. Thanks for this little lady. You gave me some great ideas. This year I finally felt pleased with my acting progress.

    1. make a demo reel {check.}
    2. get my website up. {check.}
    3. take an AMAZING class. {check.}
    4. network, even though I get nervous and shy. {check.}
    5. get an IMDB credit {check.}

    And there are more! I'm glad that I have moments to celebrate. And I'm excited for each smart lady like Phoenix and yourself, that are blossoming!

    Happy New Year.

  4. Excellent post! And Happy New Year. The big stuff is on the way. From what little I have learned of you through this blog, 2010 was a great year and can only lead to bigger and better things in 2011.

    *Sending positive thoughts and energy from snowy NY.*

    Keep breaking those legs. And thank you for all the great stories and advice!

    (And I don't know if it's me, but the link to Billy DaMota takes you to a log in page.)

  5. awww i believe in you too! hope your 2011 is even greater!!!

  6. You're cute. And I'm a huge fan. Hope to see you soon in the New Year!

    Thanks for all you do for actors. This blog is very amazing.




Play nice.