"The label you give yourself cannot impact external forces that are not motivated by your own psychology or influenced by a third party's pre-existing consciousness of you. We are all presented with reasons to struggle which come from completely external forces; to pretend that one is not struggling is either arrogance or an admission of defeat. To admit that one is struggling is a sign and a source of strength." - Evan A. Baker

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Selling It

If I'm going to advertise something on this blog, it's because I think it might benefit one of my lovely readers. You can go to a Free Acting class with my favoritest acting coach ever --->
and you can also get $50 off on my friend's headshots package ---->

I've had a few people contact me about ad space but they're trying to sell something none of my readers would be interested in, like homeowners insurance. I don't know why someone would think this is an appropriate space for that. Every once in a while, though, I'll get someone asking me to promote something that kinda sorta pertains to this blog's niche.
Yesterday, I received this email:
Hello Lira!
I wanted to get in touch and see if you and your readers would be interested in the opportunity to model in a [Famous Director!] photoshoot. [Redacted link to the contest]
[Famous Director!], one of Hollywood’s most successful directors, producers and photographers, is inviting aspiring female models to submit three of their best photographs for the chance to model in a photo shoot with [Never Heard of It!] magazine in Los Angeles.

The selected model will be photographed by [Famous Director!]
in a photo shoot for the 3rd issue of [Never Heard of It!]
magazine. The winner will also be featured and credited in the same issue.
The 5 highest voted submissions will each receive a signed copy of a [Redacted]
Entertainment DVD and a yearlong subscription to [Never Heard of It!]
(4 issues).
It's easy to get involved, just submit three photos. Is this something we can get your site and your readers involved in?
Thanks for your help,
[Redacted] Inc.

And of course, my response:

Hi [Redacted]!

I am flattered that you found my little blog and are offering me this opportunity.

So all my readers would have to do is submit three shots of themselves, and then tell all their family and friends to vote for them for the chance to win a dvd and subscription to a magazine?

You say "the selected model" who would win a chance to be shot for [Never Heard of It!] magazine, would not actually receive any monetary compensation for their work, is that correct? But they'd get credit?

It sounds like a really awful deal for my readers, quite frankly, but a lot of publicity for your magazine, which I've never heard of, and which you neglected to provide any information about.

Please help me understand why my readers would be interested in this. Perhaps I need another cup of coffee to help me focus but I don't understand how they would benefit in any way.

My best,

I have yet to receive a response...

Perhaps you can tell me how you might benefit from this contest.


  1. Oh Lira, you never fail to make my day! xxx

  2. Sounds like a spammer/scammer to me. I've gotten emails like that, and it's NEVER true. Just predators who realize once you respond that you're too smart to be a target so they give up. Good girl not going for it, and for protecting us, your loyal readers!


Play nice.