Yay for having
directors want to meet me even when I can't make their auditions, for
directors not being creepy, and shoots going smoothly. And yay for awesome co-stars!
How did Blindsided go? Pretty well! Crew was great, and the location, the Peach Cafe in Monrovia was just absolutely the cutest. Their bakery case looked so tempting, let me tell you what.
Our director, Chris, transformed the place into a 50s vibed diner, complete with a
waitress in a 50s vintage dress and blonde Betty Page wig. (uhm, jealous!) Kitchy and cute.
I played Melinda, a young woman whose boyfriend was killed not too long ago but is going on a date she is soooo not ready for. Interesting script, with lots of staccato patterns, and complex emotions. We had 11 pages of script and two days to film it, and it was soooooo nice to take all the time we needed.

And I want to give special props to
Gary Kresca, (playing Jim) for being such a gigantic sweetheart. He took me out to a coffee shop the hour before our call on the first day to go over lines and character stuff. And he bought me a drink! Thanks! But he had also brought Tejava tea and gave me a whole liter bottle all to myself! We were plenty hydrated, let me tell you. The next day, he surprises me not only with another bottle of Tejava (!) but also a cast gift; a tradition usually reserved for theatre. We had talked a bit about how much I loved beef jerky, so he got me a whole POUND of it! Oh man, and it's GOOD. So, for those of you not good at verbal equations, Gary Kresca=Awesome.

Peach Cafe! I'm being lit for my over the shoulder shots. I am in black, as Melinda is in mourning. You can't tell, but there is a flask nestled against my breasts!

"I like sandwiches," Melinda says, "I just feel weird, ordering one for dinner, you know? The social impropriety of it all, you know?"
And then Jim shoots her down, where he's all "That's dumb. And are you boozing it up? Your breath stinks!" And yes, I'm paraphrasing.

Melinda has Jim recognize her by wearing big ole heart shaped glasses, which Gary bought for the production and let me keep! See? I told you Gary=Awesome!
Like my nails? Part of the character. It's OPI's Russian Navy. They look blue in yellow light and purple in fleurescent. And it's chip resistant, so far!
Wanna know all the interesting details of the shoot I wasn't privy to? All the behind the scenes stuff? Chris the writer/director is
keeping a blog.
Thanks for the kind words Lira, but you forgot talented, quick witted, stunningly handsome and yet still a complete douchebag.