You ever been to epicurious? It's a great site because 1) it's a pun! and 2) There are so many recipes with pictures and Reviews! People will go on and talk about what they altered, added, took away, etc, and when I searched for "green beans" I came up with a whole bunch of things to try. But pickled green beans sounded really good for a week where it's gonna be 100+degrees every day, so here:

Boil water, toss the beans in blanching them for about a minute, then transfer to an ice bath.
In another pot, boil
1 1/4 c water
1 c cider vinegar (or a mix of them. i used 1/2 white and 1/2 red wine)
1/4 c sugar
2 garlic cloves, lightly crushed (i was out, so I sprinkled granulated garlic. still good!)
1 1/2 T dill
1 1/2 T salt.
Strain green beans out of cold bath and put into heat proof bowl. Pour vinegar mixture over it and refrigerate for at least an hour, overnight if possible.
Extremely good with sandwiches which are also easy to make on hot summer days. I'm a big fan of cucumber, tomato and mayo sammies as of late. In the brilliant words of JenniPatti,
it's like a love letter to my ass.
I'm blushing from my first shout-out. :) And wishing I was near enough to you to try those pickled green beans...