Or at least, I did, back in July, and when I looked at my closet, I realized that 1) no one really needs 14 Old Navy tank tops in various colors. and 2) I really don't know how to dress myself. Finally, I learned that 3) I can indeed have panic attacks.
Now, I'm no fashion icon, but I did have a subscription to InStyle back in the day. And I do watch Project Runway as much as I can, even though I seem to like the designer who never wins. Ever. But having that magazine subscription for clothes I could never even hope to ever afford made me think I knew something about clothes. Like how to find stuff that looked good on me. But clearly, I had only found one thing that looked good on me, and bought it. Fourteen times.
Then I met Christina DeAntonis. She was the Wardrobe Stylist for the web series I did last summer. I played a goth character.
Christina is kind of a big deal in the fashion world. She has a rep with all the hottest PR companies and even just pulled wardrobe for the Jonas Brothers. And there she was, dressing me! And not with Hot Topic crap, oh no. Christina knew my character was not a sullen 14 year old but a lost 24 year old goth queen. So what did I get to wear?
I was in $400-$700 one of a kind pieces! I looked awesome!
And Christina, or Chris, as she likes to be called, is as sweet as sweet can be. She's Italian and can cook a great pasta sauce and make the pasta from scratch. She's amazing.
So of course I got all her information from the shoot in case I ever, you know, needed a stylist.
And before I knew it, I did!
She came over with several different outfits for me to try (um, that's right, she came TO ME) with a huge bag of accessories. Unbelievable. And she pulls this slinky $500 ugly floppy mess out for me to model for her.
Uh. Really? I asked her.
She flashed her pearly whites.
Okay, I said. Cause I had already showed her that I was a lost cause with my 14 Old Navy tank tops. What the hell did I have to lose, right?
I put it on.
I am Hip Indie Star. Which is great, cause I was going to Hip Indie Film Fest. I looked in the mirror. The dress hugged my curves and made me look grown up and sophisticated and edgy at the same time. I closed my mouth so not to drool on the dress.
How did you DO that?! I asked her. How did you know this dress would look so amazing on me, when it looks like balls on the hanger?!
She laughed and then opened up her huge bag of accessories and I was then adorned with earrings, bracelets, AND shoes that she picked out for me, which I paid her for and got to keep.
I looked gorgeous on premiere night. I was the hottest thing you ever saw. And when I got my invoice from Chris, I called her up to double check, as I was pretty sure she forgot to charge me for something. She didn't, she swore.
Red carpet events, photoshoots, whatever, AND she can even go with you on a shopping spree if you need to update your wardrobe; she'll pull all your clothes for you and find what works for you and your body and your style.
I totally reccomend her. Miss Chris DeAntonis
Dude, love the goth boots. They're amazing.